Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Evening Breeze! As Lovely As Kate MIddleton Look

I took these photos on evening, if you see the lighting which is naturally without extra light then you’ll know I’m not lying. Well, this is my favorite dress ever, I bought this at my favorite boutique in Singapore. I love black, loved in in the past, present and future but now combining with shocking pink. I also love dress, mini dress so that one of my role models is Kate Middleton. Well, who doesn’t love Kate Middleton? Almost every woman love her style. This is what I wear for refreshing, casual moment. When I can leave my high-heels behind, my formal shirt and mini skirt as my work outfit. And the vest, really help me in it.

And the necklace, I wish you can guess that this is one of my handmade too. In fact is I also sell it. 

You can check the official twitter for my label caroL.O.Line on twiiter @carololinelabel and let me you if you interest to have some of them. Have a nice evening beautiful ladies!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Do I Look Alike Carrie Bradshaw? :p

Hiii! How do I look? Well this is my outfit for work today and I feel like I’m Carrie Bradshaw with this outfit on Carrie’s Diaries TV series.

Well, not really wishing it now even I like Sex and The City movie, but the fact is I haven’t seen Carrie’s Diaries even once because I have a lot of work and so busy, but that’s okay. Besides, now I’m watching once again or may be twice or more my favorite TV Series Gossip Girl.

So well, what do you think all? Am I look alike Carrie Bradshaw with this outfit? No!!! L.O.L! That’s okay! But who doesn’t want to look like a stylish woman on Sex and The City movie? I bet you want it too. Ok, I’ll come back tomorrow with my favorite character Blair Waldrof of Gossip Girl.

Sssstttt anyway, if you wonder where I found this cute blazer was? It’s my design and I love it always. Have a nice day!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Pink, Blue and Yellow At The Same Time

I feel colorful, so I fill it up with my colorful outfit for today. And as proud I’m saying it now . . . this skirt is made in me. 

Well, actually I made this skirt when I was schooling, as my education background is fashion, my lecturer asked me to made some outfit with a theme. 

When I made this skirt, I was thinking about simple Marie Antoinette dress mixed by lollipop color and Voila . . . this is it, my Lolli Marie mini skirt feeling like I’m being Carrie Bradshaw on Carrie’s Dairy, hahaha am I? Let me see your opinion. Have a nice day, beautiful people!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

My Passion is Fashion!

Well, you can tell how much I love fashion and beauty from the tittle. If you love it too, let's be friend! :) Since I love food and fashion so much, after I had jajanmakan blog, I decided to make another blog for fashion and beauty. Even though I'm not Anna Dello Russo, but yes, my passion is fashion!! :D 

So, I'm ready to have fun! Are you?